In general, safety standards in Korea seem sub par, but I don't know, maybe thats my hyper sensitized-over regualted- American eye. Buildings can get knocked down and then built back up in the span of a week with no barriers around construction zones, babies on bikes, cars on goes on and on. But one of my favorite things are the "Don't Fall!" signs that are frequent sights at tourist spots. I'm a klutz. I don't judge the klutziness of others. But when I'm walking on a paved, staired path with a rail I don't usually need a sign to tell me what will happen if I walk off the road, away from the stairs, and jump the rail.
I know all about gravity.
The Top of An Election is a Clean Election.
Whereas some signs explain when you don't need them too, some don't explain nearly as much as they should.
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