Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Letter To My First Group of Students

Dear Apples,
I was only your teacher for four months but today you graduated and I was surprised by how genuinely sad I was to see you leave. The previous teacher left a very big shadow for me to fill, and I realize some of you will always prefer her to me. I realize that and I love you anyways. I don't know how to write this letter, so let me instead encapsulate you all in writing so that someday, maybe, I'll figure out the words that convey the feeling I am experiencing right now.
Sweet Duri who would not allow me to take a single picture of her but who loved to come up to me when I was marking papers and press her cheek to mine. There's Claire, my monkey girl, who can shimmy up anybody's legs and back with absolutely no assistance. Jason has one of the greatest, driest sense of humors I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing first hand- and he's only 8. Eric can laugh at himself with the greatest ease and I love that he's already figured out how to do that. If there was anybody I wish I could hang out and be friends with it would be him. Cindy is a bit of any ugly duckling. She's two heads taller and twenty pounds heavier than any other student at Kids College, so the slightest tap of her elbow is enough to send a kid flying and into tears. But witnessed the great enthusiasm Cindy has for life as well as seen her gorgeous mother and know she's going to grow up to be a beautiful lady. Her BFF, Jerome, is my wunderkid and the student I'll probably miss most. He's the most sponge like human being I've ever met. Say something to him once and he'll not only remember, he'll start applying it instantaneously. He also has silver dollar eyes that convey so much emotion and were always an indicator of how successfuly my lessons were going. Sharan is a new student and while she's slow as molasses, she is one of the happiest people I've ever met. Jack is also new, and a bit of an odd duck. But he's smart. And in a couple of years he's going to be fluent in English. Bless Robin. That kid will never suceed as a student, but there is nobody at Kids College quicker or more capable at putting together science and art projects. Whenever I was confused I would ask him for help. Michael. The world is not going to be easy for Michael, but he's got a great laugh. Joshua, everything will be much easier for you once you get this hygience thing figured out. I missed you this last month because you were such a nice kid. Earnest, diligent, and an alroud great student. Chris and Harry: I hope that someday you two develop some sense of compassion. For the rest of Apple Class, I loved you all so much and will never forget my first teaching experience as your teacher. You locked me out of my classroom. Showed me the importance of wearing leggings with skirts. Were a walking, talking batch of birth control. Showed me my own capablity. Made me want-possible for the first time ever-kids of my own. And I loved you.
Megan Teacher

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Aw, Megs! That is the sweetest letter, I am a little teary eyed and I didn't even know the children. Oh and at first I thought you had really sent this letter to the kids, but then went I got to the heavy girl I figured out (hopefully) that it wasn't the case. Your kids sound very unique though, you will probably never forget them either since they were your first class. I feel the same with my girls, the first couple were such unique experiences that I know I will never forget.

So I'm done with the bar exam! Honest to god worst experience of my life. Imagine being in this enormous ballroom with 600 other law students for two full days. From 8:30am until 4:30pm, you get one hour off for lunch, but otherwise you are confined to this room. Horrible, horrible, but now that I've done it, I'm glad I suffered through it. I feel terrible about how I did, but you know what? If I failed, I WILL take it again. Each time I feel that I have learned so much more and know better how to study for it. I am not always the quickest to catch on, but eventually I do and if there's a next time, I will be that much better prepared.

Anyways, just wanted to check in and say hi. Sorry for being mia on your blog the last month, just been stressed out of my freaking mind. Let's make a date to talk tonight, I'll be online around 10/11pm my time which was the afternoon for you I think. Well, love you lots and lots and congrats on graduating your first class!