Thursday, January 8, 2009

Got My Presents!

I came back from winter vacation and was surprised to learn all my kids-who were 6 before break- are now 7! Every one! In Korea, eveybody ages one year on January 1st regardless of when there birthdays are. So in Korea I am now 25. I only got to enjoy a month of being 24,geez...
I'm not sure if it was the week of vacation or if the age difference has made that big of an impact, but I've had a great week with my kids. I've gotten two new students, a boy named Jack who bares a striking resemblance to Spock named Jack and a girl (my 5th one out of 20 students) named Sharan. And there has been no problems with them, only one time did I have to bring a kid up to the library during break for hitting another student. Quite an improvement from previous weeks. Today we made snowflakes out of paper and I think we all know I was never the best at arts and crafts so when I got confused on a particular paper folding technique I had this star art student who was totally on top of it and he figured it out in seconds. I pretended to be really focused on a student and asked him to show the friends he sits near...wasn't my finest moment but as soon as I figured out hot to fold it I was going around doing it for all my insecure kids who can't draw a line without first verifying that they're doing it right.
So the Christmas presents from the parentals and Kelli were waiting at my desk for me on Monday when I got back from break... :) I loved them! I also got the wine cork thingy that I asked for today, Mom, so if you can remember when you mailed it that would give us a good idea of how long things take to reach me in Korea. Because, you know, if it doesn't take too long then I'm sure an envelope of baked cookies would know...just an idea...


Anonymous said...

Uh, I'm sorry but didn't you just turn 23? So how in the world have you been 24 for a month and now 25. At this rate, you'll be older than me by the time you come back to the States. hehe

Nice sneaky maneuver with the snowflake folding, did any of the kids notice? Everything is good here. We think Boris attacked this cute dog Gaia who always plays with Hurley and Haydn. Gaia had gone downstairs (Boris' domain) and came running back upstairs yelping like Hurley does when he gets hurt (which is all the time of course). Fortunately, we saw no blood so no harm done.

There was a major fire in Boulder yesterday. Not sure what started it but I'm sure the 30+ miles/hour winds didn't help. I could see it driving on the freeway. At night, I have to say it was such a gorgeous/scary sight. The first was up in the hills and I could literally see the flames licking at the hills. Amazing. Well, gots to go. Luv ya and miss ya


P.S. Sorry I haven't commented on your site in awhile, I couldn't find the blog on my new laptop and had to ask dad for it again. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Megs,

I think I mailed the wine "thingy" about 10 days ago? Not very speedy I'm afraid . . . . (with regard to cookie mailings).

Not to mention that anything not in an envelope costs a fortune to mail!

A reminder that Dad and I are leaving for Costa Rica today . . . oh, and Kelli has big news on the job front! :-)

Love, hugs and a big kiss on the cheek!
