There's a game going around facebook and various blogs right now that calls for the people reading this to grab the nearest book to them, turn to page 56, and to write down the 5th sentence on the page as well as the book and the author. If anybody's going to write a response to this entry they have to do this. I'll go first:
He stopped. The story seemed to be over.
"The Battler" by Ernest Hemingway
(ok, technically it's the 5th and 6th sentence, but Hemingway has a tendency to write 2 word sentences so I used them both.)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
J.K. Rowling
I tried to write yesterday and your blog wouldn't take my comment, let me see if it works today.
Yea, it worked! Anyways, I wanted to ask if it was usually overcast in Seoul because it looks that way in alot of your pictures. How are your kids treating you, any ask for me face painting? Boris hasn't slept with me in weeks, he's totally moved on and sleeping with my roommates. What an adulterous cat. One of them was drunk last night and tried to take Boris on a walk. Put a leash on Boris and everything, but of course being a cat, Boris just sat there, rolled around a bit and would not walk. The dogs are doing good, took them by cows and geese yesterday and of course Hurley went bananas. They have managed to turn the backyard into a shoe graveyard with chewed up shoes everywhere. Well, gots to go. Luv ya
You are beginning to take some really nice pictures! Are you deliberately working on compostion?
Love Mom
Hi Megs - here is my contribution to this post:
If you want to do it yourself, and if you're very good about taking care of paperwork, there are books in your bookstore that will show you how - $20, give or take
"9 Steps to Financial Freedom:
by Suzie Orman
(first sentence under heading of "How do I set up a Revocable Living Trust. Fascinating topic don't you think?
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