Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Kindy's

I've had my new classes of Apples for about 2 1/2 weeks now and, for the most part, it's going pretty great. My new kindergartners are adorable, eager to please, sweet hearted children. I love them already. They are a thousand times easier to handle from my other group and just...oh my goodness they are so eager to please! It's amazing. I spent the first four months here in Korea building a thick skin to a class full of children who were very vocal about my status as a second rate teacher. These new kids are sweet hearts. They're a little lower than what I was used to and I've had to adjust my teaching to fir their level, but it's amazing how much easier it is to spend time with children who like you. When they get into ABC lineup the roster goes as follows: Alice, Amy J, Amy M {not their last names, by the way. When there's more than one child with the same English name the Korean staff just picks a random letter to after it.}, Ariel, Brian C., Daniel, Eric {the twin brother to Brian. Again, neither his nor his brother's last name start's with a C.}, Jun, Louie, Rivers, Seong, Steve. So far they love it when I remind them not to make their letters fly. Give them helicopter rides. And sing the name song. It's only been a couple weeks but, I think I struck gold.


Anonymous said...


I love your post today! Did the whole school celebrate St. Patricks Day or just you? And did the little piece of Irish Flair I sent you show up on your Facebook page?

I posted the photos from our recent Joshua Tree trip as well. Hey, how come you don't send me Facebook messages? :-(

Miss you soooo much!

Love Mom

Megan Elizabeth Reddy said...

Our whole school celebrated St Patrick's day, Mom, and it was a crazy, chaotic green filled day! The highlights would be the tables stacked with green food that the kids were allowed to go to town on for about half an hour, the dance party at the end of the day when the staff played loud house music for the kids and us to dance to, and-of course- the usual dragging of a kicking and screaming 7 year old child to the stage by 3 grown women in order to get this child to dance for the whole school on her own. Ridiculous. Chatoic. Unplanned. And great fun!