Sunday, March 8, 2009


Spent a lovely morning in Insadong yesterday. My friend Chris from Chicago has moved here this week to teach at a hagwon in Gagnam and he met up with us in Insadong to see the sights while us girls shopped. Insadong is basically a very long street full of stores and street vendors that sell souvenirs. Chopsticks, rice paper, clothing, books, etc. Theres also a beautiful temple nearby. We ate a traditional lunch at a vegetarian restaurant and had amazing fried noodles, spicy mushroom soup, dumplings, and steamed pumpkin with nuts. Mmmmmm. In the evening we met up with more co-workers at Dr. Fish. For 3 bucks we all sit around a communal pool in a cafe and eat and drink snacks while fish nibble the dead skin off our feet. If you stay as long we usually do (around 2 hours) you'll really notice a significant difference in the feet. The fish really like to nibble on callouses and cuticles so after getting over the ticklishness it's really nice to just sit there and let the fish give you a pedicure. At night, four of us went to a favorite haunt called Flower People. It's a rock bar near our school with an owner who resembles Yoko Ono and has the most extensive record collection I've seen and he plays songs that you request. It's not a bar so much as a listening room. My friends were all really into the music and requesting all sorts of songs from The Doors and Zeppelin to Leonard Cohen and Beta Band. Being the observer that I am, I just sort of leaned back to watch them all enjoying themselves. At around 6 AM I returned home very happy. It was an all around great day.


Kelli said...

6 in the morning!!! whew, you live a crazy life Megs. That sounds like it was a lot of fun though. How is it having a friend from Chicago out there? Things are good here, just got approval from the courts so I am working for the lawyer again as well as the yap job. Its nice to be really busy again with non-studying things. Um, don't have too much to say. Other than I miss you lots and lots!


Megan Elizabeth Reddy said...

That's great Kel! When will you find out about the bar results? Are you still seeing that guy? Reading any thing interesting? I'm still listening to the audio of Matt Damon reading "People's history of the United States." Loaded with liberal bias, just the way i like it!

Anonymous said...

At least you are intelligent enough to recognize bias when you see or read it!

Love Mom (who doesn't think she should be penalized for working hard and making good money. Let them eat cake! :-)